tips & insights for group facilitation
Community building|rituals|courses & workshops
The Art of Holding Space
Dive into the meaning and practice of group facilitation, in an interdisciplinary experiential 2-sessions workshop.
Co-creating a sacred space
Meditation & guided imagination
Vocal work & the power of music and rhythm
Group dynamics
Tips for online sessions
and more...
About the teacher:
Noam Paz (Ananda) is an interdisciplinary artist and teacher, and facilitates healing and growth processes for individuals and communities. Noam was initiated into the spiritual path at the age of 7, and has been certified as a yoga teacher at the age of 13. Had the privilege of meeting and studying with inspiring teachers from different paths, and getting to know the deeper essence that is intertwined in all of them. Facilitates courses, retreats and rituals in Israel and around the world.
Cost: 40 Euro
Payment method: PayPal
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**The link to the Zoom meeting will be sent after payment.
***For scholarships please contact personally.
״What does it even mean (to me) “to hold space”?
“Holding space”, this new-age expression that usually describes what a ritual facilitator, or a course instructor, or a therapist does, is an expression that can be understood in very different ways. How am I supposed to “hold” the space? To fearlessly control everything that happens, or to attentively allow everything that may happen? Where does the authority to fulfill this role come from, and how to use it correctly?
Holding space doesn’t only refer to the formal role of a teacher or a facilitator, but also to the way I conduct myself in any social situation. How do I use this time of togetherness, around the family table or waiting in line for social security? What kind of interpersonal communication do I initiate? How do I connect to my inner authority, and how can I empower others?
Some time ago, a friend asked me where I learned this art. I told her that it seems as if life has simply led me that way… From being certified as a yoga teacher as a teenager, to being a youth counselor, through many meetings with inspiring teachers to participating and leading countless rituals, retreats and courses along the path. It’s a journey of learning and exploring that continues with each step.
These passages between different “spiritual” environments and “the normal world” pushed me into observing more critically the way social spaces are being held. As a “spIritual queer”, there were many times that I felt like an outsider, and it made me see and respect the perspective of those that look from the outside.
Over time, I learned that many people feel this sensation, for many different reasons. I understood that the same aspiration for unity and connection may also create a harmony only for the sake of appearance. And yet, even when it’s challenging, it is possible to find the subtle balance between collective energy and the personal experience. From another angle, I became more aware of how the society in which I grew up still links authority with masculinity, aggression and material wealth, and the deep effects it has on many layers of our social dynamics.
The main reason for which I want to share this process of learning and exploring, is that I want to be a part of the creation of a new culture. A culture that realises values in which I believe, like free choice, equal opportunity, respect to life in all of its manifestations, celebrating diversity, solidarity and sharing that doesn’t come at the expense of self care, and more. To me, the key for change lies with understanding the unseen systems of power and authority distribution and fixing them, but also in recognising the survival mechanisms that affect us, like the fear of those who are different from us, and the fear of being left alone, and the ability to acknowledge them and overcome them, together..."